[ News, Biography, Research Interests, Teaching, Links ]


Qi WANG, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology

Office: Room413, South Tower, College of Engineering

Email: wangqi (at) sustech.edu.cn
[ Google Scholar, DBLP ]

We are recruiting self-motivated Ph.D. students and postdocs, working in cryptography or coding theory. Please refer to CoCrypto Lab for more information. Email me if you are interested.


  • 2024/12/13: Our paper "Accountable decryption made formal and practical" was published online at IEEE TIFS.

  • 2024/10/23: Our paper "Bringing smart contract confidentiality via trusted hardware: Fact and fiction" was published online at IEEE TIFS.

  • 2024/08/25: Our paper "Two families of linear codes with desirable properties from some functions over finite fields" was published online at IEEE TIT.

  • 2024/06/25: Our paper "On the maximum size of variable-length non-overlapping codes" was published online at DCC.

  • 2024/04/05: Our paper "On the size distribution of the fixed-length Levenshtein balls with radius one" was published online at DCC.

Short Bio

Qi WANG received the B.Eng. degree in information security from University of Science and Technology (USTC) in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2011, supervised by Professor Cunsheng Ding. From October 2011 to September 2013, he was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (OvGU), Germany, hosted by Professor Alexander Pott. From October 2013 to September 2014, he was a research associate at HKUST. He has been with the Department of Computer Science and Engieering (CSE), Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) since 2014, where he is currently a tenured associate professor.

Research Interests

  • Coding theory (classical error-correcting codes, quantum codes, codes for storage)

  • Cryptography (code-based cryptography, multi-party computation, applications in privacy preserving, blockchain)

  • Combinatorics (combinatorial designs, extremal combinatorics, the probabilistic method)


  • CSE5014/CS403: Cryptography and Network Security (25S, 24S, 23S, 20F, 19F, 18S)

  • CS201: Discrete Math (21F, 20F, 20S, 19F, 19S, 18S, 17F, 16F, 16S)

  • CS215: Discrete Math(H) (24F, 23F, 22F, 21F)

  • CS315/EE364: Information Theory and Coding (16F, 15F)

  • CS102: Basics of Computer Programming Design (17S, 15F, 14F)

  • CS209: Computer System Design (15S)
